Scotland's Clans
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Clan Cameron website
Clan MacNeilThe Clan MacNeil based in Isle of Barra, Western Isles
Clan GrahamThis Clan can trace its origins to the Norman invasion of 1066.The 7th Duke of Montrose is the present chief of Clan Graham.
ScotClansAt ScotClans.com we aim to be the best source of information on Scottish clans and clan history.
Cland MacnabThe Scots and the Macnab Clan
Clan GarraThen the war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who fought back with his angels; but the dragon was defeated, and he and his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven any longer. The huge dragon was thrown out that ancient serpent, named the Devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world.......
Clan Davidsonwelcome to those who have an interest in the Clan Davidson Society (USA) - its history, its traditions, its programs of activities, and its desire to give added meaning to the name of Davidson.
Clan MacLeodAre you interested in Clan MacLeod's heritage? Do you want to meet other MacLeods from around the world?
Clan DunbarClan Dunbar's website
Clan Munrohe Official Website of The Clan Munro and Clan Munro (Association)
Clan MaclarenClan MacLaren Society of North America, Ltd.
Clan MacNeilClan MacNeil's website
Clan WallaceThe Clan Wallace Society represents all Scots of any clan and all others who wish they were Scots.
Clan UrquhartThe Clan Urquhart Association is a worldwide organization founded for the purpose of cultivating a spirit of kinship among Urquharts and descendants of Urquharts.
Clan TurnbullDo you know the legend of Clan Turnbull? We get our name from the brave man who turned the charging bull away from the king. Check out Turnbull history, tartans, crests and more on the story.
Clan SkeneSkene of Skene is an Aberdeenshire family, who resided in a parish of the same name, about twelve miles distant from the capital of the country where Gaelic is no longer the native language
Clan RossThis page explains everything you need to know to participate in a society devoted to the "Great Clan Ross" and all of its objectives. Welcome to our website. Updated Monthly, as required.
Clan MacDougallThe purposes of the Society are to promote interest in the Clan, in Scotland and its history and literature; to assist in the repair and upkeep of Dunollie Castle and its grounds; to advance the friendly relationship between Scotland and North America; to collect and disseminate literary, historical, and educational materials pertaining to Scotland, Clan MacDougall, and Dunollie Castle.
Clan StewartClan Stewart Society in America Incorporated
Clan UmmingClan Cumming Society, U.S.A.
Clan SinclairThe Clan has very active Associations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States of America as well as in Scotland. Click on the links below for their websites.
Clan MacInnesOn windswept isles and by the lovely lochs of the Highlands, the ancient Gaelic-speaking people named MacInnes once made their homes.
Clan CurrieThe Clan Currie Society Web site is more than a place for Currie descendants to learn about their ancestry. Think of it as the circle in which we gather to tell our stories and experiences. As the Curries have long been the bards of Scotland, we now weave our history in this new tradition of electronic discourse, noting who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going.
Clan CampbellClan Campbell Society (North America)
Clan GalbraithClan Galbraith website
Clan MacDonaldClan MacDonald's website
Clan MacfarlaneClan Macfarlane's website
Clan LindsayClan Lindsay's website
Clan MackenzieClan Mackenzie's website
Clan MurrayClan Murray's website
Clan SutherlandThe Clan Sutherland Society in Scotland was founded in 1897 and reconstituted in 1977.
Clan SmithWelcome to Clan Smith Society! We are an organization comprised of people and their families who are of Scottish or Scots-Irish Smith ancestry.
Clan LivingstoneClan Livingstone's website
Clan MaxwellClan Maxwell's website
Clan MacgregorClan Macgregor's website
Clan MacraeClan Macrae's website
Clan BoydClan Boyd's website
Clan MacmillanClan Macmillan's website.
Cland DonaldClan Donald's website
MacleanFounded in 1995, more than 3,000 families around the world have already joined this informal group whose forums receive over 1,000 postings a week.
Clan MontgomeryWelcome to the Internet home of Clan Montgomery Society International, a non-profit organization dedicated to the history, genealogy, research, and promotion of the surname Montgomery or Montgomerie.
Explore your Clan history with catswhiskerstoursposted by Nigel Cole @ 8:35 AM