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Visit Stirling Castle, Scotland

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today, I am posting a video and images taken during a tour/visit to this historic castle which has played a pivotal role in Scotland's history.

The castle is located on a conveniently situated volcanic plug which affords a superb defensive position for guarding access to the Central Highlands of Scotland.

First records of a castle on the site date from the 12th century. During subsequent centuries the castle suffered sixteen major sieges and oscillated between Scottish and English control.

Two major battles occurred in the vicinity of Stirling Castle:

  1. The Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 when William Wallace ( aka 'Braveheart') defeated a superior English force.
  2. Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 when a force under Robert the Bruce defeated a superior English force under Edward II.
The Castle's golden age occurred during the 16th century when it became a royal palace of the Stewart age and benefited from lavish spending by King James IV and V but was little used by royalty after the Union of the Crowns in 1603.

View of castle entrance from bowling green.

Royal Palace which is currently undergoing an extensive, long-term refurbishment programme.
Close up of statute of King James on the Royal Palace.

Chapel Royal built for the baptism of Prince Henry Stewart in 1594. This building contains a collection of stunning tapestries.

The Great Hall built 1500. External covering in a gold coloured protective coat to give an impression of great wealth.

Close up of statues on the Royal Palace of King James V. (1540)


posted by Nigel Cole @ 3:47 AM 


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