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Ballymeanoch Stones, Kilmartin Glen, Scotland

Thursday, November 05, 2009

This evening, I am posting images and information concerning just one facet of the Scotland's major prehistoric site, Kilmartin Glen, Argyll.

These images show the remaining six out of at least seven original standing stones. It is evident they are grouped in two parallel lines, each running south east-north west. The line consisting of four stones includes two stones which are decorated with cup marks and cup-and-ring marks. For detail of these marks see video below. Remember that these carvings were patiently chipped out with only rock tools and hence the carvings required a significant amount of time and skill resources. It appears that each stone in the line of four is slightly shorter than its neighbour, a feature found in standing stones elsewhere in the country. The two stones which stand together are undecorated.

Cremated bone was found under the stump of the missing seventh stone.

These stones may once have formed part of a much larger complex of monuments and earthworks.

An interesting site, which should be viewed in context of the wider Kilmartin Glen prehistoric landscape.


posted by Nigel Cole @ 11:58 AM 


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